0-50+ employees in 9 months. How BetterCloud built its CDMX tech office

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Manuel is the GM of Mexico at BetterCloud  - an NYC late stage SaaS company. 

They needed to hire people, but NYC isn't quite the cheapest place in the world (4000 average rent). So they needed solutions. 

About 1 year ago, he came down to Mexico City and started building an office. That office is already 55 people strong. Mostly engineers. Compared to NYC, that is some fast hiring, with way lower costs. 

In this episode we break down: 

  • Why BetterCloud chose Mexico over places like Ireland, Poland or Argentina (besides the way better food). And why Mexico City specifically. 

  • How to set up the legal structure so you don't get in any hot water. Contractors vs Employees. 

  • What are the first hires that you need to make to get the machine up and running. 

0-50+ employees in 9 months. How BetterCloud built its CDMX tech office
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