Building the Zapier for Whatsapp in LatAm

Latin America runs on Whatsapp
If you are from the US, Whatsapp is an app that you have but use only from time to time. 

If you are from LatAm, however, your world revolves around Whatsapp. 

95% of Latin Americans use Whatsapp. That level of penetration is insane, only a few percentage points less than Latin Americans with electricity (98%)! 

Whatsapp is the main digital interface for many if not most people in Latin America, which means there is an incredible opportunity to build businesses that interface with Whatsapp's API in order to reach millions of customers. 

Alfonso Lizzaraga is the co-founder of the Zapier of Whatsapp. It’s exactly what it sounds like: if your business has user flows that involve Whatsapp, Hilos can automate the process.

In our conversation, we cover topics like: 

  • What can Whatsapp do? What kind of user flows can be integrated into Whatsapp
  • What is the future of Whatsapp? What will ChatGPT and other LLMs offer
  • The Whatsapp Business API

You can learn more about Hilos here:  

Building the Zapier for Whatsapp in LatAm
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